【2009/10/15 V1.19.132】 の変更点

*Demigod v1.19 (1.19.132 on Impulse) 15th October [#x02c80b0]

**原文 [#ubb72065]
- Impulse Overlay now says "Player Info" instead of "Connection Info" 
- This represents the change in displaying more player-related information than connection information 
- The overlay now shows how many games a player has played and their win percentage on the connection list 
- The "Eject Player" button has been removed from the connection list 
- There is a new "Info" button next to each player in the connection list 
- Clicking the button opens a display that shows how many games were played, percentage of games completed, and percentage of games won 
- The display shows the player's familiarity with the other players in the game 
- The display lists any notes you have added for the player (on Demigod website) 

**適当意訳 [#h525599c]
-インパルスオーバーレイは、「Connection Info」の代わりに「Player Info」になります。
-コネクションリストからは"Eject Player"ボタンが削除されます。